

Lisa Marie Bourke was a student at a University in Scotland. During her time at the school, Lisa studied psychology.

Recent Blogs

Why Is Gut Health So Important

Why Is Gut Health So Important

Over the last five years, you’ve likely heard a lot more about gut health than in the past. In fact, it tends to be a hot topic to discuss in the fitness industry.

Yoga for the On-The-Go Woman

Yoga for the On-The-Go Woman

I am a yoga-lover. A true yogi. But I also like to travel and am generally a busy woman. It can be tough to balance a healthy and consistent yoga practice with the business of everyday life.

The Best Veggies for Your Green Juice

The Best Veggies for Your Green Juice

Juicing is not just a pointless craze. It is a wonderful way to absorb high amounts of nutrients from fruits and vegetables and promote a healthy body. I love drinking juices of all types to achieve different health goals.